The Music of the Trails

You know the cool thing about music is that it can put you in a good mood, or if you are in a good mood or a melancholy mood, you can select music to match the moment. Either way, music sets the tone for your day and listening to it can soothe you, give you solace, or get you up and after it.

Recently I bought a pair of these SHOKZ Open Fit ear buds and have really enjoyed listening to music on the trails again as I ride my mountain bike. I used to use regular ear buds but never really liked them because they went into your ear canal and didn’t allow you to hear what was going on around you, who was coming up behind you, and were useless if you tried to have a conversation. But ever since I got these Shokz Open Fit ear buds, they have allowed all of that because they don’t go in your ear canal. They are outside of the canal and transmit fine stereo sound through your bones around your ear. You can hear great music and still hear what is going on around you and have a conversation while listening. A great addition to my solo rides. This is all thanks to Syd Schultz and Macky Franklin of Syd and Macky You Tube channel fame. They use them on MTB rides and races.

But the interesting thing to me is what kind of music I like to listen to when I am riding. Oftentimes, when I am really plugged into the beauty of the woods and the trails where I am riding, I can get in a contemplative mood and listen to Gregorian chant, choir music, or even Beethoven. It gives me the chance to look around me and have a nice background of music that is relaxing. I am not setting any records on my Garmin on those days,( well, any day for that matter), and just appreciate nature’s beauty with a soothing background. If I see someone and want to have a conversation, I can turn the volume down. But even with a fair amount of volume, the Shokz units still allow for consistent hearing.

Riding smoothly over rocks and roots, listening to the 9th Symphony inspires me.

Last year while riding down in West Virginia, our group went to the Opera House in Marlinton at the suggestion of the bartender at the Old Mountain Tavern. There for 10 dollars, we heard an unbelievable concert by Vanessa Collier, a nationally known blues singer and saxophone player. I mean, she was tremendous, and her lead guitar player, Laura Chavez, was named blues guitarist of the year. First time for a woman! She and Vanessa tore the roof off of that place. It might have been the best 10 bucks I have ever spent and now Vanessa graces my Pandora music mix that I listen to on my Shokz Open Fit buds. Riding up long climbs or over rocky sections of trails, I can really get after it with the blues riffs echoing in my head. I also tend to think of West Virginia when I am riding locally and listening to Allison Kraus and Union Station and her bluegrass melodies. Music paints pictures in your mind of where you have been and the fun times in places like Snowshoe, Davis, The Purple Fiddle in Thomas, and Marlinton, West Virginia. You can daydream to the music and let it envelop your thoughts with memories and snapshots of epic times riding in the Mountain State.

Vanessa Collier wailing the blues.

Again- the Shokz units allow for listening to music while having the safety of also hearing what is going on around you. I can always tell when I approach a hiker or a jogger in front of me that they have earbuds, because they can’t hear me coming at all- even with my bell alerting them. They all should have Shokz.

But a rainy day with the blues in your ears, a snowy trail with Beethoven, or sunshine with bluegrass or classic rock, can always get me inspired to get over that last steep section or through the most technical of rock sections with a self -congratulatory yelp to the music on the trail. If you are hiking, riding MTB, or trail running, try the Open Fit buds. Your trails will never sound the same again. And by the way, this is not an ad for Shokz. I am not a paid marketer. I just like them that’s all. Thanks for reading.

Memories of our group in WVA last year.

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4 thoughts on “The Music of the Trails

  1. So great! Years ago, when I flew airplanes for my then-fashion-business, I brought along a Sony Walkman in my rented aircraft, which was the highest tech portable sound system of the day. Soaring solo above the snowy peaks of my now home-mountains, I’d listen to Judy Collins’ Both Sides Now, gazing down at the landscape I now call home. Which came first? The music, or the call to these (Frazier Park, Los Padres National Forest) cosmic landscapes that I have for the past 30 years, called home? God only knows :)) Dawn

    By the way, check out my musician daughter, EllaHarp (Spotify and all outlets), singer-songwriter harp and banjo gal.

  2. muktaverma says:

    The ability to enjoy your favorite tunes while staying aware of your surroundings is such a bonus, Thanks for sharing

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